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For the last few years Matt Kloskowski  has run a short free program called Fresh Start. The idea is to get you inspired for the coming year.  The first session is about looking back at the previous year and picking out your favourite pictures (and limiting yourself to about 20).  You can see how you have progressed through the year and where your interests lie.

I do quite a few model shoots in the UK and usually abroad. I visited Venice for the first time in 2019 and find it inspiring (I am hoping to visit again next month but nothing is certain yet). I am still working out what I like in landscapes.  A new style this year was Acro Yoga which was fascinating.

No cityscapes for me last year because of Covid but I did have an amzing visit to Iceland so do have some landscapes.

And I went on some great themed shoots organised by Salli Gainsford (see a previous blog post for more details).

And two shoots abroad with models went ahead in Norway and Spain.

To see the full gallery click here: https://slickpic.us/2284732M0ZY

Roll on 2022!

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